I'm back much sooner than expected with the results of my first flat iron job using my new FHI Platform.
I airdried from about 11am until 8pm, with NTM Leave-in and a bit of coconut oil in my hair. I combed it once or twice while it was drying. Once dry, I applied some Hollywood Beauty Sulfur to my scalp, to prevent any itchiness, because I may not be cowashing soon since I'll want to preserve the straight hair as long as possible.
I divided my hair into four sections, and applied a bit of NTM and Chi Silk Infusion to each. I used a rat-tail comb to take out each small piece I was going to flat iron. I only passed over each piece once with the flat iron, to minimize any damage done during the process.
Trimmed by bangs.
I won't be flat ironing at this far post-relaxer again. Having to comb each section through causes too much breakage. Except for when I flat iron, I do not comb my hair while it's dry. I don't even run my fingers through my hair when dry.
And here's the finished product.
I received my FHI platform late last week. So far I've only used it on my bangs, since I was wearing braidouts last week (it's extremely humid, and also, I am 9.5 weeks post-relaxed). Tonight I'll finally be testing it out on my whole head of hair, despite the humidity.
First thing this morning, I applied some coconut oil to my hair and scalp. Then I washed with Head & Shoulders. I did a quick protein treatment using Motions CPR (left on for about 3 mins while in the shower), then deep conditioned with ORS Replenishing conditioner for 20 minutes under the dryer.
I'm out of Herbal Essences LTR leave-in, so for the first time, I applied Neutrogena Triple Moisture leave-in to my wet hair and proceeded to air dry. At about 80% dry, I put in a bit of coconut oil. My hair is about 90-95% dry now, but I'll only be flat ironing much later in the evening. Since it's so humid, I'll probably do a light mist of Keracare Oil Sheen with Humidity Block over my head so that I don't poof up too much on my way to and from work. I'll definitely post pictures of my results tomorrow evening.
My beloved Rusk flat iron broke a few weeks ago. I'm not even sure what happened. It seems like a piece is missing from the hinge, and it only closes if I press extremely hard. Inevitably, I ended up burning myself. I've been wearing braidouts lately, so I've only really needed it for my bangs, but even at that, it's still frustrating.
After doing some [light] research, I decided to order a FHI Platform from eBay. I bought it on August 2nd, and I finally got the notification that it was ready for pickup at the local post office :D I wanted to go pick it up today, but apparently it will only be ready tomorrow for pickup. Going there straight after work!
I have promised myself to only let flat ironing be a special treat (for me, not my hair). I'm really hooked on the voluminous look of a rollerset, so that will definitely make it easier to resist the urge to flat iron my hair.
One thing I'll want to try is curling my hair with this flat iron. I've seen so many demonstration videos on YouTube, but my Rusk flat iron wasn't conducive to that. Surely the FHI will though, and I'm really curious to see if I'll be able to finally do it.
It has been extremely humid the past couple of weeks. I had no other choice but to take a break from rollersetting and begin wearing braidouts again. I've been braiding my hair into 3 or 4 plaits, then sitting under the dryer for about half an hour. My hair is still damp after 30 minutes, but I allow the rest to airdry overnight, and in the morning, my hair is 90-95% dry. In the morning, I spray on some Dove Moisturizing Mist and seal with some coconut oil, which leaves my hair shiny. I rebraid either every night or every other night.
Here's a picture of the results. I need to up my picture game (sh*tty camera), but it's better than nothing!